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Hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) is widely used as a disinfectant and as a bleach for textiles, wood pulp, and hair, just to name a few. It is also used as a substitute for chlorine in water and sewage treatment. Most common commercial forms are aqueous solutions containing about 6, 12, and 30% hydrogen peroxide and are referred to as “20-volume,” “40-volume,” and “100-volume” respectively, referring to the value of oxygen liberated when the solution is boiled.
Hanna Instruments offers a chemical test kit that can quickly and easily determine concentration of hydrogen peroxide in water up to 10 mg/L. The chemical test kit uses an iodometric titration method to measure hydrogen peroxide concentration in water. The sample is first treated with potassium iodide and strongly acidified with acid. The amount of iodine generated is equivalent to the chlorine in the sample. The concentration of iodine is then calculated by titration of thiosulfate ions that reduce the iodine back to iodide ions..
An iodometric, titration-based, chemical test kit that determines the hydrogen peroxide concentration in two ranges is available.
Replacement reagents for the hydrogen peroxide chemical test kit.
To empower customers to achieve quality
by supplying intuitive, accurate, and reliable analytical instruments with exceptional customer service and value.
We take pride in every product we build. From an original idea, to a completed product ready for testing. We oversee every aspect of the manufacturing process. It is this level of attention to detail that sets us apart.
To empower customers to achieve quality by supplying intuitive, accurate, and reliable analytical instruments with exceptional customer service and value.
We take pride in every product we build. From an original idea, to a completed product ready for testing. We oversee every aspect of the manufacturing process. It is this level of attention to detail that sets us apart.
To empower customers to achieve quality by supplying intuitive, accurate, and reliable analytical instruments with exceptional customer service and value.
We take pride in every product we build. From an original idea, to a completed product ready for testing. We oversee every aspect of the manufacturing process. It is this level of attention to detail that sets us apart.