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Carbon Dioxide ISE Conditioning and Storage Solution - HI4005-45

R2,433.00 Excl VAT

Availability on Request

HI4005-45 is a 500 mL bottle of conditioning and storage solution made specifically for Hanna’s carbon dioxide gas sensing ion selective electrodes (ISEs).

The internal glass pH element of the carbon dioxide ISE requires conditioning to ensure the sensing glass remains hydrated. The carbon dioxide ISE can also remained assembled and stored in the HI4005-45 solution for short term storage purposes.

Effective conditioning and storage solution

Air tight bottle with tamper-proof seal

Clearly marked bottle with lot numner and expiration date


The HI4005-45 solution is for the conditioning and storage for the HI4105 carbon dioxide gas sensing ion selective electrode (ISE). Measurement of carbon dioxide in solutions is determined by a pH change of the internal thin film of electrolyte. This conditioning and storage solution is necessary to keep the glass pH sensing element hydrated in order to accurately determine carbon dioxide concentrations. The HI4005-45 is a 500 mL bottle of conditioning and storage solution that ensures optimum measurement performance from the HI4105 carbon dioxide ISE.

Additional information

Weight 0.54 kg

Carbon Dioxide


SKU HI4005-45
Name Carbon Dioxide ISE Conditioning and Storage Solution – HI4005-45
Certificate of Analysis No
Package bottles
Quantity 1
Size 500 mL


Carbon Dioxide ISE Conditioning and Storage Solution – HI4005-45