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HI7073M Cleaning Solution for Proteins (230 mL)

R854.00 Excl VAT

Availability on Request

The HI7073M is a special enzymatic cleaning solution that is specially formulated for use in applications were a pH electrode can be coated with proteins. Electrodes can become dirty from use and will produce inaccurate results even as they read correctly in a pH buffer. Hanna’s cleaning solutions eliminate impurities and residues that are left on electrode surfaces when immersed in samples during measurement and stored incorrectly. Hanna suggests cleaning the bulb and junction of your electrode on a regular basis to ensure that the probe is always clean and prevent any clogging of the junction.

  • Specially formulated cleaning solution to remove proteins from a pH electrode
  • Air tight seal to ensure quality and efficiency of cleaning solution
  • Expiration date and lot number clearly marked on the bottle


The most common cause for pH measurement inaccuracies is an unclean or improperly cleaned electrode. This is very important to note, because during calibration, the instrument assumes that the electrode is clean and that the standardization curve created during the calibration process will remain a valid reference until the next calibration. pH meters on the market today will allow an offset voltage of approximately ±60 mV. The deviation from 0 mV is not unusual but ideally should be no greater than ±30 mV. The calibration process compensates for the change in offset voltage. If the mV offset continues to deviate and the meter is calibrated with a dirty electrode then inaccurate readings will result.

The Cleaning Solution Series ensures maximum efficiency and accuracy of your sensors when used for it’s designated application. Cleaning is a fast and effective routine that should be performed on a regular basis as a preventative measure against using a dirty electrode and to ensure that the junction is not clogged. The HI7073M is a protein cleaning solution specifically for applications that involve the measurement of pH in a protein based solution.

Air tight bottle with tamper-proof seal

  • Ensures quality and freshness of solution.

Each bottle marked with lot number and expiration date.

  • Hanna cleaning solutions are specially formulated to have an expiration of 3 years from manufacture for an unopened bottle.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg



Name HI7073M Cleaning Solution for Proteins (230 mL)
Description cleaning solution for proteins
Certificate of Analysis no
Package bottle
Quantity 1
Size 230 mL


HI7073M Cleaning Solution for Proteins (230 mL)