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Laboratory-Grade Polarographic DO Probe with Built-In Temperature Sensor - HI76483

R16,617.00 Excl VAT

Availability on Request

The HI76483 Clark-Type Polarographic probe measures a wide range of dissolved oxygen from 0.0 to 600% saturation and 0.00 to 90.00 mg/L (ppm). The HI76483 has a slim design measuring only 12 mm in diameter and has a built-in thermistor temperature sensor that compensates for temperature variations from 0 to 50℃.The HI76483 is a spare DO probe for use with the HI5421 Laboratory Research Grade Benchtop Dissolved Oxygen and BOD Meter.

  • Uses screw cap design pre-tensioned membranes
  • Ultra-thin body
  • Integrated temperature sensor


The HI76483 polarographic probe will provide accuracy and reproducibility when used in conjunction with the HI5421 benchtop meter. The probe body is made from PEI (polethermide) for increased durability and features a platinum cathode and Ag/AgCl anode assembly. The ultra-thin, 12mm design allows for convenient measurement in narrow vessels such as test tubes, wine bottles and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) bottles.

With screw-on caps, HI76483 membranes are easy to replace for faster maintenance.The caps are constructed of durable plastic material with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) oxygen permeable membranes. Each cap is easily filled with electrolyte and installed on the probe.

Additional information

Weight 0.34 kg

Dissolved, Oxygen


SKU HI5421-01
Name Laboratory Research Grade Benchtop Dissolved Oxygen and BOD Meter – HI5421
Dissolved Oxygen Range 0.00 to 90.00 ppm (mg/L); 0.0 to 600.0 % saturation
Dissolved Oxygen Resolution 0.01 ppm (mg/L); 0.1% saturation
Dissolved Oxygen Accuracy ?1.5% of reading ?1 digit
Dissolved Oxygen Calibration automatic using single or two-point calibration; user calibration single point
Dissolved Oxygen Temperature Compensation 0.0 to 50.0 ?C; 32.0 to 122.0 ?F; 237.1 to 323.1 K
Salinity Compensation 0.0 to 70.0 % / 0.0 to 45.0 g/L / 0.0 to 42.0 psu
DO Probe HI76483 Polarographic DO Probe with built-in temperature sensor (included)
Logging Type Up to 100 lots; 50,000 records max./lot, maximum 100,000 data points; 5000 samples/lot for Manual Logging
Logging Memory maximum 100,000 data points
Logging Interval 14 selectable between 1 second and 180 minutes
Connectivity Opto-isolated USB
GLP Last calibration data, calibration info
Autoend DO only
BOD/OUR/SOUR Yes (Inside/Outside limits)
Display color graphic LCD with on-screen help, graphing, and custom color configuration
Power Supply 12 VDC adapter (included)
Environment 0 to 50?C (32 to 122?F; 273 to 323 K), RH max 95% non-condensing
Dimensions 160 x 231 x 94 mm (6.3 x 9.1 x 3.7 “)
Weight 1.2 Kg (2.6 lbs

Ordering Info

HI5421 is supplied with HI76483 DO probe, HI76404W electrode holder, HI7041S electrolyte solution (30 mL), HI76483A DO membrane caps (2), 12 VDC adapter, instrument quality certificate and instruction manual


Laboratory Research Grade Benchtop Dissolved Oxygen and BOD Meter – HI5421