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Mini-Titrator for Measuring Titratable Acidity in Wine - HI84502-02

R24,941.00 Excl VAT

Availability on Request

The HI84502 is a simple, fast, and affordable automatic mini titrator designed for testing total acidity levels in wine. Based on an acid-base titration method, this mini titrator uses an optimized pre-programmed method of analysis with a powerful algorithm that determines the completion of the titration reaction by the use of a specialized wine pH electrode.

Analysis for titratable acidity with the HI84502 is not selective for acids of similar strength. In this method, a base of known concentration is used to understand the overall acid content of a sample and express it as the main acid present in wine, tartaric acid.

The HI84502 incorporates a precision piston style dosing pump that adjusts the volume of dosing dynamically based on the voltage changed. This dosing system reduces the amount of time required for the titration while providing for a highly accurate determination of the amount of titrant used.

This mini titrator is supplied complete with all the materials necessary to perform low and high range measurements of total acidity. All chemicals are premixed and prepackaged including standardized titrants, reagents and pump calibration solution. There is no need for volumetric glassware or analytical balances.

Piston driven pump for accurate dynamic dosing


Complete with pH electrode with CPS Technology

Pre-standardized titrant and pre-measured reagents

Additional information

Mini-Titrator for Measuring Titratable Acidity in Wine - HI84502-02

Mini-Titrator for Measuring Titratable Acidity in Wine – HI84502-02


More Information
SKU HI84502-02
Product Name Mini-Titrator for Measuring Titratable Acidity in Wine – HI84502
Quote Required Yes
pH-mV Range -2000.0 to 2000.0 mV
pH-mV Resolution 0.1 mV
pH-mV Accuracy ±1.0 mV (@25ºC/77ºF)
pH Range -2.0 to 16.0 pH; -2.00 to 16.00 pH
pH Resolution 0.1 pH / 0.01 pH
pH Accuracy ±0.01 pH (@25ºC/77ºF)
pH Calibration one, two, or three-point calibration, four available buffers (4.01, 7.01, 8.20, 10.01)
pH Temperature Compensation manual or automatic
Temperature Range -20.0 to 120.0°C; -4.0 to 248.0°F; 253.2 to 393.2 K
Temperature Resolution 0.1°C; 0.1°F; 0.1K
Temperature Accuracy ±0.4°C; ±0.8°F; ±0.4 K (@25ºC/77ºF), without probe error
Titration Method acid base titration
Titration Principle endpoint titration
Titration Range Low Range
Titration Resolution 0.1 g/L (ppt)
Titration Accuracy 3% of reading or ±0.1 g/L, whichever is greater (@25ºC/77ºF)
Sample Size Low Range
Titration Pump Speed 10 mL/min
pH Electrode HI1048B glass body pH electrode with BNC connector and 1 m (3.3’) cable (included)
Temperature Probe HI7662-T stainless steel temperature probe with 1 m (3.3’) cable (included)
Logging Type Log-on-demand
Logging Memory up to 400 ( 200 titrations, 200 pH/mV readings)
Connectivity 1 USB port for data storage and export to a PC
Built-in Magentic Stirrer Built-in magnetic stirrer at 600 rpm
Power Supply 12 VDC adapter (included)
Environment 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F); RH max 95% non-condensing
Dimensions 235 x 200 x 150 mm (9.2 x 7.9 x 5.9”)
Weight 1.9 kg (67.0 oz.)
Ordering Information HI84502 is supplied with HI1048B pH electrode, HI7662-T temperature probe, HI7082 electrode fill solution (30 mL), HI84502-50 (230 mL) titration solution, HI84502-55 pump calibration standard (120 mL), 100 mL beakers (2), dosing pump valve, 2000 μL automatic pipette with plastic tips (2), 5 mL syringe, 1 mL plastic pipette, tube set (aspiration tube with titrant bottle cap and dispensing tube with tip), stir bar, cleaning solution sachets for wine deposits, cleaning solution sachets for wine stains (2), 12 VDC adapter and instruction manual.


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