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Pool Line pH CAL CheckTM Cuvette Kit for HI971044 Portable Photometer - HI977794-11

R5,825.00 Excl VAT

SKU: HI977794-11 Category

Availability on Request

HI977794-11 Pool Line pH CAL CheckTM Standards provides a simple way for calibrating and validating the HI971044 Pool Line portable photometer. This high-quality set of standards is manufactured in Hanna Instrument’s state-of-the-art facility and comes supplied with a certificate of analysis. The certificate of analysis provides the lot number, reference values, and expiration date for traceability.

  • Pre-tinted standard value of 8.0 pH ±0.1 pH @ 25℃
  • Supplied with Certificate of Analysis

  • Reusable with a long shelf-life


HI977794-11 is a high-quality set of calibration standards that allows users to validate the performance the pH measurement of the HI971044 Pool Line pH, free and total chlorine, alkalinity and cyanuric acid portable photometer. The HI977794-11 includes one sealed cuvette for zero (unreacted sample known as a blank) and one cuvette that is tinted to a pH 8.0 value. The calibration check set is produced in our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility using reagent grade chemicals in a temperature-controlled environment.

The HI977794-11 is

Supplied with Certificate of Analysis

  • Product code
  • Lot number
  • Expiration date


SKU HI977794-11
Name Pool Line pH CAL CheckTM Cuvette Kit for HI971044 Portable Photometer – HI977794-11

Ordering Info

HI977794-11 is supplied with HI977794-11A – pH certified standard cuvette – A (1 pc.), HI977794-11B – pH certified standard cuvette ? B (1 pc.), certificate of analysis, and instruction for use.


Pool Line pH CAL CheckTM Cuvette Kit for HI971044 Portable Photometer – HI977794-11