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Turbidity Calibration Standards - HI98703-11

R4,180.00 Excl VAT

Availability on Request

The HI98703-11 Turbidity Calibration Standards provide a simple solution to calibrating and validating turbidity meters that have a 0 to 1000 NTU range. Hanna turbidity calibration standards are prepared from NIST traceable primary standard reference materials and come supplied with a certificate of analysis. The certificate of analysis provides the lot number, reference values, and expiration date for traceability when certifying the appropriate turbidity meter.

  • Supplied with Certificate of Analysis

  • AMCO AEPA-1 primary turbidity standards
  • Reusable with long shelf life stability


The nephelometric turbidity meter is designed to be routinely standardized with a known light scattering standard. As with all analytical standards or reference materials, a turbidity standard should be able to perform the following: provide traceability, demonstrate the accuracy of results, calibrate the equipment and methodology, monitor user performance, validate tests, and facilitate comparability. Standardization ensures that when the correct procedures have been followed, the same analysis of the same materials will produce results that agree with each other whenever they are performed.

Hanna turbidity standards are prepared from AMCO AEPA-1 materials that are known for being highly stable and reliable for standardization. AMCO APEA-1 turbidity standards are a stabilized suspension of cross linked styrene divinylbenzene copolymer microbeads in ultrapure water. These beads are chemically inert and keep their chemical balance in a water medium regardless of concentration. Particle size, uniform shape, and refractive index make these spheres ideal to characterize light absorption and scatter for 90° behavior in the UV-VIS range. In addition, the bead’s spherical shape and size helps prevent the accumulation or precipitation of the standard. For these reasons, the AMCO AEPA-1 standards are very stable.

These standards are prepared and bottled in a clean room facility. They are tested and validated for accuracy and stability, and certified as free from any toxic chemicals or compounds. All prepared standards are compared to formazin turbidity standard solutions. The values obtained and the date of analysis are reported on the supplied certi˜cate of analysis.

HI98703-11 is a high quality set of turbidity calibration standards that allows users to validate and calibrate turbidity meters that have a 0 to 1000 NTU range. The HI98703-11 set includes four cuvettes with expected readings of <0.10, 15.0, 100, and 750 NTU. The calibration set is produced in our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility using NIST traceable reference materials in a temperature controlled environment.

Supplied with Certificate of Analysis

  • Lot number
  • Expiration date
  • Standard value
  • Reference meter NIST traceable

Provided storage containers

  • Light tight
  • Protects from accidental breakage

HI98703-11 Turbidity calibration standards are made specifically for the HI93414 and HI98703 turbidity meters. The calibration process is quick and easy.