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Wastewater Multiparameter Benchtop Photometer with COD and Barcode Recognition (HI83224-02)

R58,242.00 Excl VAT

SKU: HI83224-02 Category Tags ,

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The HI83224 COD Meter and Multiparameter Photometer for chemical oxygen demand (COD) and specific ion measurement combines accuracy and ease of use in an ergonomic benchtop design. This meter is one of the most versatile photometers in the market, offering 15 measurement methods for different parameters including COD using ready-made liquid or powder reagents. The HI83224 has many advanced features including barcode recognition of sample vials, a graphic LCD to display various chemical forms, and a step-by-step tutorial mode for inexperienced users.

  • 15 measurement methods including COD
  • USB for data export
  • Barcode reader


From ammonia to phosphorus, the HI83224 benchtop photometer measures 15 measurement methods for different key water quality parameters in addition to chemical oxygen demand (COD) in 3 different ranges. The HI83224 features a barcode reader that can be used for barcoded sample vials. The reader scans each vial and automatically identifies the method and range, eliminating potential errors and simplifying the testing process.

This photometer features an advanced optical system that uses special tungsten lamps, narrow band interference filters, and silicon photodetectors to ensure accurate photometric readings every time. The HI83224 uses a graphic backlit LCD that allows for an intuitive user interface, offering a tutorial mode that gives a step-by-step procedure for performing a measurement. The result obtained can be displayed in various chemical forms based on the user’s preference. For tracking of data, results can be logged and then exported to a Windows® compatible PC using the HI92000 software and HI920013 USB cable.

Features at-a-glance

Barcode Recognition – Automatic recognition of bar coded samples is an exciting feature of the HI83224. This advanced meter scans each vial inserted into the vial holder and automatically identifies the sample method and range. The barcode has four digits: the first two digits are for parameter identification and the second two digits are for reagent lot ID. Vials for different methods can be distinguished by a barcode printed on the vial and the cap color – the barcodes for different methods are shown in the table below. For parameters that don’t use a barcoded reagent, the vials supplied with the instrument can be used.

Vial Rotation – During the measurement phase of the analysis, the state-of-the-art vial rotator spins the vial to identify the method via the barcode, then rotates while taking a number of absorbance readings. The instrument then converts the readings to concentration units and displays the result on the easy to read screen.

Improved Accuracy – Using the “average” function further improves reading accuracy. When enabled in the setup menu, the instrument takes 180 absorbance readings through the vial as it rotates. Each individual reading represents a measurement through a new optical path. Averaging the absorbance readings minimizes errors due to vial inconsistencies.

Method Verification – A dedicated METHOD CHECK button is available to quickly verify the vial barcode, eliminating the potential for vial confusion or incorrect sample readings.

Backlit Graphic LCD Display – The HI83224 features an adjustable backlit graphic display with virtual keys and on-screen help to provide for an intuitive user interface.

Data Logging – Users can store up to 200 readings by simply pressing the LOG key. Logged readings are just as easily recalled by pressing the dedicated RCL button. Stored data includes parameter, test results, sample number, lot number, instrument ID, date and time.

PC Connectivity – Logged readings can be quickly and easily transferred to a PC via USB using the HI92000 Windows® compatible software.

Result Conversion – Eliminates confusion by automatically converting readings to other chemical forms. Common conversions are available at the touch of a button.

On-screen Tutorial – With the tutorial function enabled, short guides relating to the current operation are displayed. At any stage in the setup or measurement process, the dedicated HELP button is also available to show contextual help.

Built-in Timer – Display of time remaining before a measurement is taken. Ensures that all readings are taken at the appropriate reaction intervals for the test being performed.

Error Messages – Messages on display alerting to problems including barcode error, wrong vial, and different reagent lot.

Cooling Lamp Indicator – To maintain the desirable wavelength to be used for absorbance, it is necessary to ensure components are not overheated from the heat generated by the tungsten lamp. Each photometer is designed to allow a minimal amount of time for components to cool. The cooling lamp indicator is displayed prior to a reading being taken.

Units of Measure – Appropriate unit of measure is displayed along with reading.

On-screen Features

multiparameter photometer method

Method Selection
Users can easily select any one of the 15 measurement methods via the dedicated METHOD button.

multiparameter logging

Data Logging
Up to 200 measurement readings can be logged and recalled for future use.

multiparameter logging recall

Log Recall
Logged data can easily be recalled and the chemical form can be converted at the touch of a button.

Advanced Optical System

The HI83224 features 15 different methods that can be measured using ready-made liquid or powder reagents. When the appropriate reagent is used for a selected method, the reaction between the reagent and the sample causes a color change; the greater the concentration, the deeper the color. The associated color change is then colorimetrically analyzed according to the Beer-Lambert Law. This principle states that light is absorbed by a complementary color, and the emitted radiation is dependent upon concentration. A narrow band interference filter allows the relevant wavelength of light to be detected by the silicon photodetector and omits all other visible light emitted from the tungsten lamp. As the change in color of the reacted sample increases, absorbance of the specific wavelength of light also increases, while transmittance decreases.

photometer multiparameter optical


Part Code Method Vial Barcode
HI94764A-25 Ammonia LR 01xx
HI94764B-25 Ammonia HR 02xx
HI93701-01 Chlorine, Free
HI93711-01 Chlorine, Total
HI94766-50 Nitrate 05xx
HI94767A-50 Nitrogen, Total LR 16xx; 06xx
HI94767B-50 Nitrogen, Total HR 17xx; 07xx
HI94754A-25 Oxygen Demand, Chemical (COD) LR 12xx
HI94754B-25 Oxygen Demand, Chemical (COD) MR 13xx
HI94754C-25 Oxygen Demand, Chemical (COD) HR 24xx
HI94758A-50 Phosphorus, Reactive 30xx
HI94758B-50 Phosphorus, Acid Hydrolyzable 31xx
HI94758C-50 Phosphorus, Total 32xx
HI94763A-50 Phosphorus, Reactive HR 33xx
HI94763B-50 Phosphorus HR 34xx

Note: xx represents the reagent lot code.
*Not a Gnelf


Reagents are available in liquid or powder form, and the amount of each reagent is precisely dosed to ensure maximum repeatability.


Parameter Range Resolution Accuracy Method Reagent Code
COD LR 0 to 150 mg/L 1 mg/L ±5 mg/L ±5% of reading dichromate EPAǂ

dichromate mercury-free◊◊

dichromate ISO◊




COD MR 0 to 1500 mg/L 1 mg/L ±15 mg/L ±4% of reading dichromate EPAǂ

dichromate mercury-free◊◊

dichromate ISO◊




COD HR 0 to 15000 mg/L 10 mg/L ±150 mg/L ±3% of reading dichromate HI94754C-25

Method with chromium-sulfuric acid is officially recognized by EPA for wastewater analysis.

  • The HI94754F-25 and HI94754G-25 method follows the official method ISO 15705.
  • This method is recommended for general purpose analysis with no chloride interference.


Parameter Range Resolution Accuracy* Method Reagent Code
Ammonia LR 0.00 to 3.00 mg/L (ppm) as
0.01 mg/L ±0.10 mg/L ±5% of reading Nessler HI94764A-25 (25 tests)
Ammonia HR 0 to 100 mg/L (ppm) as NH3-N 1 mg/L ±1 mg/L ±5% of reading Nessler HI94764B-25 (25 tests)
Chlorine, ** Free 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (ppm) 0.01 mg/L below 0.99 mg/L; 0.1 mg/L above 0.99 mg/L ±0.03 mg/L ±4% of reading DPD HI93701-01 (100 tests)

HI93701-03 (300 tests)

Chlorine, ** Total 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (ppm) 0.01 mg/L below 0.99 mg/L; 0.1 mg/L above 0.99 mg/L ±0.03 mg/L ±4% of reading DPD HI93711-01 (100 tests)

HI93711-03 (300 tests)

Nitrate 0.0 to 30.0 mg/L (ppm) as NO3-N 0.1 mg/L ±1.0 mg/L ±5% of reading @ 20°C chromotropic acid HI94766-50 (50 tests)
Nitrogen, Total LR 0.0 to 25.0 mg/L (ppm) 0.1 mg/L ±1.0 mg/L ±5% of reading @ 20°C chromotropic acid HI94767A-50 (50 tests)
Nitrogen, Total HR 10 to 150 mg/L (ppm) as N 1 mg/L ±3 mg/L ±4% of reading chromotropic acid HI94767B-50 (50 tests)
Phosphorus, Acid Hydrolyzable 0.00 to 1.60 mg/L (ppm) as P 0.01 mg/L ±0.05 mg/L ±5% of reading ascorbic acid HI94758B-50 (50 tests)
Phosphorus, Reactive 0.00 to 1.60 mg/L (ppm) as P 0.01 mg/L ±0.05 mg/L ±5% of reading ascorbic acid HI94758A-50 (50 tests)
Phosphorus, Reactive HR 0.0 to 32.6 mg/L (ppm) as P 0.1 mg/L ±0.5 mg/L ±5% of reading vanadomolybdophosphoric acid HI94763A-50 (50 tests)
Phosphorus, Total 0.00 to 1.15 mg/L (ppm) as P 0.01 mg/L ±0.05 mg/L ±6% of reading ascorbic acid HI94758C-50 (50 tests)
Phosphorus, Total HR 0.0 to 32.6 mg/L (ppm) 0.1 mg/L ±0.5 mg/L ±5% of reading vanadomolybdophosphoric acid HI94763B-50 (50 tests)

*      @25℃ (77℉) unless otherwise stated

**    For chlorine, liquid reagents are available.

Additional information

Weight 3.66 kg

Ammonia, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Chlorine, Nitrate, Nitrogen, Phosphorus


SKU HI83224-02
Product Name Wastewater Multiparameter Benchtop Photometer with COD and Barcode Recognition – HI83224
Quote Required Yes
pH CAL Check (electrode diagnostics) yes
Ammonia Range Low Range
Ammonia Resolution Low Range
Ammonia Accuracy Low Range
Ammonia Method Adaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, D1426-92, Nessler method.
Chemical Oxygen Demand Range Low Range
Chemical Oxygen Demand Resolution Low Range and Medium Range
Chemical Oxygen Demand Accuracy Low Range
Chemical Oxygen Demand Method Adaptation of the USEPA 410.4 approved method for the COD determination on surface waters and wastewaters.
Free Chlorine Range 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L
Free Chlorine Resolution 0.01 mg/L
Free Chlorine Accuracy ±0.03 mg/L or ±4 % of reading
Total Chlorine Range 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L
Total Chlorine Resolution 0.01 mg/L
Total Chlorine Accuracy ±0.03 mg/L or ±4 % of reading
Chlorine Method Adaptation of the EPA method 330.5 and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 4500-Cl G, DPD method.
Nitrate Range 0.0 to 30.0 mg/L NO3–N
Nitrate Resolution 0.1 mg/L
Nitrate Accuracy ±1.0 mg/L or ±5 % of reading
Nitrate Method Chromotropic acid method.
Nitrogen, Total Range Low Range
Nitrogen, Total Resolution Low Range
Nitrogen, Total Accuracy Low Range
Nitrogen, Total Method Chromotropic acid method.
Phosphorous, Acid Hydrolyzable Range 0.00 to 1.60 mg/L
Phosphorous, Acid Hydrolyzable Resolution 0.01 mg/L
Phosphorous, Acid Hydrolyzable Accuracy ±0.05 mg/L or ±5 % of reading
Phosphorous, Acid Hydrolyzable Method Adaptation of the EPA method 365.2 and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 4500-P E, ascorbic acid method
Phosphorous, Reactive Range Low Range
Phosphorous, Reactive Resolution Low Range
Phosphorous, Reactive Accuracy Low Range
Phosphorous, Reactive Method Low Range
Phosphorous, Total Range Low Range
Phosphorous, Total Accuracy Low Range
Phosphorous, Total Resolution Low Range
Phosphorous, Total Method Low Range
Photometer/Colorimeter Light Source tungsten lamps with different narrow band interference filters
Photometer/Colorimeter Light Detector silicon photocell
Display Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
Logging Memory 200 samples
Connectivity USB
Power Supply 230 VAC or 115 VAC power adapter
Environment 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F); max 90% RH non-condensing
Weight 2.3 kg (5.1 lbs)
Dimensions 235 x 212 x 143 mm (9.2 x 8.34 x 5.62”)
Ordering Information HI83224 is supplied with sample vials and caps (10), vial cleaning cloths (4), scissors, and instruction manual.

Ordering Info

HI83224 is supplied with sample vials and caps (10), vial cleaning cloths (4), scissors, and instruction manual.


Product Manuals